A mentor is someone
who allows you to see
the hope inside yourself.

Oprah Winfrey

Our Mission

Mentoring and Funding low-income students from high school through to a 4-year degree by enlisting corporations, their employees and community members.

The Problem

Academically accomplished first-generation low-income students of color lack the access, mentoring, and funding to earn their bachelor's degree.

  • First generation students have a 92.2% higher dropout rate than students whose parents have bachelor’s degrees.

    Educationdata.org, 2022 Hanson

  • Only 12 percent of low-income first gen students of color earn a bachelor’s degree within six years, compared to 58 percent from those in top quarter for income.

    pellinstitute.org,  2018 Higher Education Equity in the US

  • Under-resourced young adults who have a  mentor are 55% more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor.

    The Mentoring Effect, 2014 

Our Solution

We pair low-income first-gen high school seniors with a volunteer mentor who coaches them through the college application process. 

  • We pair low-income first-gen high school seniors with a mentor who coaches them through the college application and funding process. 

  • Weekly from August-May, volunteer mentors walk their high school senior mentee through each part of the application process (Selecting a major, colleges, financial aid forms, scholarships, Equal Opportunity Programs, etc.) 

  • After all our mentored seniors are accepted to multiple 4-year universities, we select 20% of them to become Reach Fellows. These fellows are mentored and funded through to a bachelor’s degree increasing our college graduation rate to 85% compared with 12% nationally.

Our Ask

  • Enlist your entire team or department to mentor a student one hour a week.

  • Introduce us to your company’s diversity and inclusion group or your company’s foundation team. 

  • Check if your company matches your donation and double your impact. 

  • Donate today! We are 100% volunteer based, so all of your dollars go toward student scholarships.


Our Results

  • 360

    Students Mentored

    Since 2019, the Reach Foundation has mentored 360 low-income first gen high school seniors through the complex college application process with the help of 300+ volunteer mentors.

  • Admitted to College

    On average, each of our first-gen students receives four acceptances from universities.

  • Scholarships Awarded

    To date, the Reach Foundation has awarded 17 students college scholarships along with a personal mentor. Scholarships are between $1-$6k per year for up to 5 years.

  • Graduation Rate

    Funding and personal mentoring results in a college graduation rate of 85%, compared to the national average of 12%.

Our Programs

  • High School Mentoring

    Mentors walk their high school senior “mentee” through the college application/funding process with a focus on “Value College Options”

  • Scholarships

    Reach Fellow scholarships are renewable for up to 5 years in college. They are need based and allow students to work part-time instead of full-time, increasing our college graduation success rate.

  • College Mentoring

    In addition to funding, each Reach Fellow receives a personal college mentor who supports them through to a bachelor’s degree.

    These mentors provide guidance on transferring to a 4-year university, academics, self advocacy, study habits, finances, mental health, etc.

  • Career Launch

    Reach Fellows securing a professional job after graduating with their bachelor’s degree is one of the greatest measures of our foundation’s success.

    The Career Launch Team increases a student’s post graduation marketability with guidance on resumes, focused volunteering, internships and career planning.